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Every two months I sit down with my six World Athletics’ Area Presidents to discuss priorities, goals, issues and share sporting and geopolitical activities. In a little under 2 hours we have circumnavigated the globe together, identifying positive trends and also trends that give us cause to stop and discuss how we may either support an Area or come together to create mitigations for a trend that may become one we will all face in due course.
Hay momentos en tu vida en los que te encuentras casifuera de tu propio cuerpo, viendo lo que estás haciendo con una sensación deasombro. El honor de ser uno de losprimeros atletas invitados en dirigirse a un Congreso Olímpico, allá por 1981. Ese fue uno de ellos.
Il y a des moments dans votre vie où voussortez presque de vous-même, regardant ce que vous faites avec un sentimentd’émerveillement. L’honneur d’être l’undes premiers athlètes invités à s’adresser à un congrès olympique en 1981 faitpartie de ces moments d’émerveillement.
There are moments in your life when you find yourself almost standing outside your own body, looking down at what you are doing with a sense of wonder. The honour of being one of the first athletes invited to address an Olympic Congress back in 1981. That was one of them.
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